© 2009-2012 


Based on our experience we can offer you a wide range of services.( From karting till Formula 1)
We can build a complete race car from a till z or we can provide your team with the following options.


Range 1 : Chassis set up from corner weights till complete chassis setup including racetrack testing with the option off lessons in chassis setup .


Range 2 : Data logging system in your race car. Complete service with the option off one mechanic who goes along with your team to provide you all the season long so you don’t have to teach a guy to do this job, eventual with a test driver.


Range 3 : Looking for a test driver to improve your race car and make a winner of it ? We can provide it. Call for details.


Range 4 : Complete assistance on the track during a hole season.
Small equipment : 4 mechanics and 1 engineering or Full Team of
10 mechanics and 2 engineers.


If you are interested in one of our options , don’t hesitate to call our office on 003236630018 or e-mail



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